Enguardia ICS Software


Learn more about PPR-Enguardia by reaching out to our team today at 806-705-7034.

Leader in ics software and More

PPR-Enguardia is the leader in Incident Command System/Emergency Management/Crisis Response software. We offer next generation ICS Software helping our customers not just react and report, but better manage their emergencies and incidents. We help reduce the impact and costs of responding to emergencies as they occur. PPR-Enguardia is built to support all hazard response efforts to both industrial and government agency requirements. It works for all types of emergencies and incidents:

  • Incident Command System
  • Cyber Attacks
  • Pandemics
  • Business Continuity

PPR-Enguardia is set apart by many unique advantages and capabilities we bring to our clients. We help reduce the time and costs of your emergency response by:

  • Providing a single Common Operating Picture (COP) that displays all inventory storage locations, response locations, and even the pre-planned required emergency response planning documents based on the locations involved.
  • Providing situational awareness through real-time management dashboards (we call it a SitStat: Situation Status Display). This personally customizable dashboard always has the latest information in the system displayed, allowing Operations, Incident Command, and Executives to be working from the same information, even from different locations. Thus, enabling better and timely decisions.
  • Managing equipment inventory from multiple locations and even mutual-aid entity inventories. We make sure you respond with the closest resources available. We even provide distance and estimated drive time to your place of deployment.
  • Managing shared resource teams including the need for hotel rooms and meals and what equipment they can provide.
  • Providing real-time detailed and summary financial reports that track how much has been spent, and how much more will be spent on the response. PPR-Enguardia even allows you to see the financial impact of “what-if” decisions before they are executed.
  • Providing federally approved after-incident reporting that can be used to submit to federal agencies (FEMA) for federal funds and reimbursements. 
  • And all other hazardous materials and emergency responses.

Common Operating Picture

The common operating picture gives management a view of the entire response landscape, detailing information showing all incidents being managed, such as storms, wildfires, cyber attacks, spills, or active shooters, all on a single map view.

Our Common Operating Picture answers questions like:

  • What incidents are we managing right now, and where are they?
  • What are the pre-planned response plans for that location?
  • Who is in charge of each incident?

Real-Time Situation Status Display (SitSat)

The centralized Sit-Stat dashboard provides situational awareness for the entire team from the same set of data. No paper. No boards. It is available over the Web in any location: ICC, Corporate, even at homes. All team members have access to the same information in real time. As soon as information is entered on a form, everyone can see it. This reduces decision times, reaction times, and communication times. All of which reduces the duration and impact of the incident.

Our Sit-Stat page offers a one-stop location for all incident and executive personnel, answering questions like:

  • Who is in charge?
  • What actions are we taking to mitigate our damages and resolve the issues?
  • What equipment and personnel are we putting on site, and where are they?
  • How much money have we approved and spent (daily burn rate)?
  • Can I see live drone footage of the problem?

Equipment Management

The equipment resource reporting provides a real-time drill down into what equipment has been authorized, ordered, and on-site. You can filter your view by equipment type, location, ETA, and even by cost. We allow you to group resources into a single type (Line-Truck or boom deployment team) that includes multiple personnel and pieces of equipment.

Our equipment resources tools support the uploading of mutual-aid inventories. We not only tell you what mutual-aid equipment is available, we even tell you how far away it is, and how long it will take to get to your incident location.

Our equipment resource tools answer questions like:

  • What and how many do we have on-site?
  • What has been ordered but has not arrived yet? What is the ETA?
  • Where is the most efficient place to assign mutual-aid resources?

Lodging Management

Crisis and incident response bring to bear a large number of personnel, creating lodging and meal issues. Feeding and housing are essential to your response efforts. PPR-Enguardia provides an automated room and bed assignment tool that allocates uploaded hotel rooms and beds. We assign beds based on the number of beds per room, gender, and location. We also track and report the number of meals required on-site for each traveling resource.

PPR will even automatically send the hotel assignment, location, and contact information to the mutual-aid personnel needing the room. No dropped communications. No questions. Just solutions.

The automated feature then creates the background requests and changes to make the new plan a reality. No forms. No paper. Just solutions and actions.

Our hoteling function can answer questions like:

  • How many unassigned rooms are remaining at which hotel?
  • Where is the best place to house the team?
  • What equipment and personnel are we putting on site, and where are they?
  • Where can I house female mutual-aid personnel?
  • How many meals do we need on site tomorrow?

Resource Planning

Planning resource allocations is dynamic, hectic, and critical. Trying to keep up with the required resource changes of a dynamic emergency response is challenging. PPR-Enguardia has greatly simplified this process. We provide an automated resource planning tool. This tool allows Incident Command to move resources between divisions and locations. You can add new divisions, new locations, and request and allocate new equipment or personnel; all with the click of a mouse. The automated feature then creates the background requests and changes to make the new plan a reality.  No forms. No paper. Just solutions and actions. Our graphical planning tool helps answer questions like:

  • Where is the best place for each team to go?
  • What equipment do we have in staging to allocate?
  • How do we authorize a new division to handle whatever comes up?

Mobile Support

Emergencies happen in the field, not at corporate. We put the power of PPR-Enguardia’s information in the hands of those in the field; the people close to the incident and who can see the impact of the incident immediately.

Our mobile application enables field personnel to quickly identify and report an incident including photos, lat/long location, description, and initial assessment.

PPR-Enguardia’s SitStat, COP, Drone viewer, Status, and Resources are all available remotely by tablet or laptop. You can take the power of PPR-Enguardia into the field to make accurate assessments and updates. Log your actions into the 214; check yourself in and out on the 211, order resources on the 213rr, check those resources in on the 211 as they arrive; upload pictures and drone video and see the response actions on the 201. The answers to any function of PPR-Enguardia are available remotely in the field.

Drone Support

Drone footage is an innovation allowing quick, efficient, and effective responses. It is a uniquely effective communication tool that you may not want to share publicly. Therefore, PPR-Enguardia provides a private drone video server and viewer with our software.

You can upload and share drone videos inside your company, without sharing it with the entire world or the media. You do not have to upload your drone footage to YouTube. Instead, upload your drone video to your private PPR-Enguardia server and share the video footage through the PPR-Enguardia’s SitStat. Everyone needing access can see the latest drone footage and see for themselves the current status.

PPR-Enguardia’s private drone server and viewer answers questions like:

  • How bad is the damage?
  • What does the surrounding area look like?
  • How fast is the water flowing at the next river crossing?

Financial Reporting

PPR-Enguardia provides detailed, summary and even graphical reports on how much spend has been authorized, actually spent, and open to be spent (obligation)

PPR-Enguardia supports barcode scanning of personnel and equipment into and out of your emergency response. Other Systems only report on what happened historically after the paperwork is done. PPR-Enguardia allows you to see the impact of your decisions in a real time or even in a “what if” basis.

Our graphical and intuitive reports require no training to be able to find, see, and answer questions like:

  • What is our current daily burn rate?
  • How much is this going to cost us in total?
  • How much do certain items cost us?

Government Reporting & Reimbursement

Government reporting is important. Agencies can levy fines or even federalize a response. This is an important reason why PPR-Enguardia follows and uses government approved ICS forms and reports.

Government reimbursement reporting is another benefit and value PPR-Enguardia provides. Our software creates government approved Incident Action Plans (IAP) in minutes ready for submission for reimbursement.

Being able to submit your reimbursement request immediately after a response can result in receiving government funds or reimbursement months or even years sooner.

PPR-Enguardia answers government reporting and reimbursement questions like:

  • How much did we spend on the entire incident?
  • How much on equipment?
  • How much on personnel?
  • What locations were involved in the incident response?
  • What government agencies were part of the response supervision?

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